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Carmen Moore

Our goal is to connect women with God and each other, and engaging in our women’s activities is a great way to do just that!

We provide events, groups, and occasional courses to encourage all women to live out the unique calling God has for each of us.

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Ladies Movie Night

The 2nd Friday of Every Month 


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Ongoing Events

Women’s Sunday Class

When  | 9:00-9:45am

Where  | The Board Room (Room 2424)

Studying  | Reading through the Bible book of John

Facilitators  | Priscilla Rose  and Bobbi Ayers

Contact  |


Knit Together

When  | 1st & 3rd Sundays, 2:00-4:00pm

Where  | The Fireside Room

Facilitator  | Laura Walthinsen

Contact  |

Bring your current knit, crochet, or other needlework project


Thursday Women’s Bible Study

When  | 9:45am - Coffee Time | 10:00am - Study

Where  | Fireside Room

Facilitator  | Vickie Watkins

Studying  | Friendship with Jesus and Others

Contact  |

Upcoming Events

Women’s Retreat

When  | September 13th-15th

Where  | Cannon Beach Conference Center

Contact  |


Join us for an inspirational weekend with guest speaker, Donna Jones. This retreat includes three days of events, with meals and lodging included in the cost. Signups with pricing details are available in the Crossroads lobby. Deposits for accommodations can be paid in part or in full prior to the event, $105 deposit due by June 1st, payment plans available. For more information, contact



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