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Global Outreach

Kerala Christ Church Mission

John & Kunjamma Gabriel

Following his salvation in 1963 John Gabriel began sharing the gospel in India. In 1979 he began training two other men to help share in his growing ministry. In 1981 a leadership training program was started. KCCM was born out of this growing ministry. In 1984 John and his wife Kunjamma started an English School with 32 students. From these beginnings the ministry has grown over the years. There are now over 40 churches and they are expanding into new areas. The school has 2150 students who hear the Gospel of Jesus every day. The India Children’s Village (orphanage) has room for over 100 orphans. Over 50 pastors have been mentored and are now leading in the churches that have been planted. God is truly at work in India!

Transform African Ministries

Alex & Faith Mutagubya

Transform African Ministries (TAM), was founded with the purpose of making disciples and empowering them to influence our community in Jesus’ name.


The main vision behind our ministry approach is that we believe that by reaching the middle class of Uganda, we are equipping the church in Uganda to help its poor and marginalized in a self-sustaining manner. Hence the main ministry focus of TAM is to reach the middle class of Uganda, empowering them to reach the other segments of our community in Jesus’ name.

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McKinley Indian Mission

Wayne & Vallerie Goodman

McKinley Indian Mission Church of Christ is working to bring more than hope to marginalized people, and to empower them to live victoriously through Jesus Christ.


Who We Reach

The Yakama Indian reservation has a population of 72,000. There are approximately 10,800 Yakama tribal members.


· Many tribal programs are difficult to access. They are mostly stopgap measures that merely put a band aide on the problem, but don’t fix the underlying issues.


· Native religious entities do little to help solve either the physical or spiritual problems that Native Americans face.


· A majority abuse alcohol or drugs in order to cope.


· Those who have strong faith in Jesus as their savior tend to be able to overcome their circumstances and live victoriously free even though their circumstances may still be challenging.


· McKinley Indian Mission Church of Christ has brought hope and healing to the Yakama Reservation through the gospel of Jesus Christ for 77 years.

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